Your End of Year Checklist for a Bright 2020

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Posted on 05 December 2019

Your End of Year Checklist for a Bright 2020

By Rippan Sandhu

Every year is filled with new milestones, new friends, new relationships, new ups, and new downs. Here at Spa Ayurda, we believe that wellness is a combination of health and mindfulness – and mindfulness means reflecting on the good and the bad in our everyday lives. With 2019 in our rearview mirrors, now is the time to reflect on the past 12 months and go into 2020 with a strong, fresh start.

So often we make promises to the ones we love, and then life pops up. A busy week, an unexpected deadline, a few late nights, and these promises take a back seat to more immediate problems. With the end of the year in sight, now is the time to make good on those promises – having a day out with the kids, that dinner date with your partner you’ve both been putting off, or giving your parents a call. Whatever it is, make the time now to keep your promises – it’ll mean more than you know.

If you’ve managed to get through the year without any arguments or conflicts, then all the more power to you – we hope your zen-like patience rubs off on us someday! For the rest of us, no matter how much we try to keep our cool, 12 months tends to turn up a number of tiffs and grudges. Now is the time to reflect on them – comb through your feelings and with distance on your side, assess your conflicts with new eyes. The end of the year is a perfect time to address old wounds, resolve issues, and come to new understandings. You’ll feel lighter once you know where you stand.

Being mindful is also about picking your battles. If you find that solving these conflicts are better said than done, then maybe it’s time to move on. Even as some relationships and principles are worth getting into the mud for, sometimes it’s better to just let things be. Prioritise your wellbeing by asking yourself the difficult questions – will resolving these issues help you move into a new phase of your life, or bog you down in the past?

Take some time to reflect on your accomplishments, your milestones, and your inspirations this year. Have you made new friends? Healthier choices? Travelled or stepped out of your comfort zone? Or maybe it’s been a quiet year – but you’ll find even accomplishments as seemingly small as learning more about yourself can pay huge dividends down the line. Give thanks for all your achievements, big and small, and write them down – you’ll be surprised how long the list is!

Being good to yourself means being objective. Consider the trials and hardships you went through this year, and take some time to assess their place in your life. With all hardships come lessons, and as 2019 draws to a close, this can be the time to collect these kernels of knowledge which you had difficulty absorbing earlier in the year. Learn from your experiences, accept these truths as life reveal them to you, and go into 2020 armed and ready.