

Recent Articles

  • How to Be Happy, According to Ayurveda

    How to Be Happy, According to Ayurveda

    2020 is the kind of year you tell your grandkids about — the kind which reset the board, so to speak. Not just in broad terms for countries, or businesses — but on a personal level, for your family, and for yourself, mentally and emotionally.

  • Four Summer Tips for Menopausal Skin

    Four Summer Tips for Menopausal Skin

    lots of UV can be as harmful to mature skin as winter dryness — and it’s important that you take the steps to prevent damage to your skin and protect yourself for the warm months to come.

  • Everyday Boosts to Your Gut Health

    Everyday Boosts to Your Gut Health

    In the health philosophies of the east, the gut is called ‘the seat of the queen’ — and for good reason! Ayurveda has long considered all diseases of the body to originate with some disturbance in the gut.

  • What Does Your Skin Texture Tell You?

    What Does Your Skin Texture Tell You?

    As we get older, our skin naturally change and evolve and reflect the life that we’ve had.

  • Five Steps To Help With Men's Mental Health

    Five Steps To Help With Men's Mental Health

    As a society, we don’t talk enough about men’s mental health and wellness, which is something that’s seen as a ‘female space’ across social media, magazines, and TV, despite the fact that men have a higher rate of suicide globally than women.

  • Four Key Differences Between Male And Female Skin (And Why It Matters)

    Four Key Differences Between Male And Female Skin (And Why It Matters)

    In honour of Father’s Day, this month’s blog post is all about how to care for male skin!

  • Four Signs Your Relationships Are No Longer Serving You

    Four Signs Your Relationships Are No Longer Serving You

    "I just felt alone.” That’s what a friend of mine told me recently when we caught up after lockdown, describing her decision to leave her partner of five years. More specifically, she said, “I felt alone even though we lived together.”

  • Winter Aches

    Winter Aches

    Managing aches and pain in joints and muscles during the cooler seasons with Ayurvedic medicine 

  • Give Your Immunity A Boost

    Give Your Immunity A Boost

    In New Zealand, we’re lucky enough to have kicked coronavirus to the curb and emerged this month to all the freedoms we’d taken for granted.

  • Five Easy Ways to Declutter Your Mind

    Five Easy Ways to Declutter Your Mind

    The concept of decluttering our space in our fast-paced, modern lives with every seasonal change isn’t a new one. As the weather begins to cool, it’s the perfect time to assess our living conditions - 

  • Managing Your Pregnancy Health In Isolation

    Managing Your Pregnancy Health In Isolation

    It can be scary being pregnant during this crazy time of ours. Even as the headlines keep coming in and this uncertainty continues, we want to remind the would-be mothers who read our monthly blogs that your first and foremost priority is ensuring your own health, physical and mental.

  • Learn to Love the Lockdown

    Learn to Love the Lockdown

    What a weird month, huh? It’s amazing how much the world can change in two short weeks, and for most of us, we haven’t spent this long indoors since we were grounded as children!

  • Wellness Rituals for the Modern Woman

    Wellness Rituals for the Modern Woman

    The modern woman is a master juggler — how could she not be, with a career, children, partner, and social life all up in the air? As much as she does it with grace, she can’t help but feel time-poor and stressed out, with little energy for herself at the end of the day. We feel you and we’re here to help!

  • Are we fulfilling our responsibilities towards our kids?

    Are we fulfilling our responsibilities towards our kids?

    Every parent does their best to provide every comfort to their little ones. They try to fulfil their child’s every desire, no matter how big or small.