Kofnil Syrup

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Sku: KOF-LIQ-200

A traditional Ayurvedic preparation for a dry, non-productive cough. The combination of atmospheric pollution, our stressful lifestyle and erratic eating habits can cause congestion in the lungs and irritation and soreness in the throat, which can lead to a dry and non-productive cough. Kofnil helps to minimise these symptoms and gives relief without causing drowsiness.

Yasthimadhu is a potent anti-inflammatory and stabilizes the must cells in the respiratory tract and prevents viscid mucous secretion in trachea. It gives relief from a sore throat and prevents a dry & allergic cough.

Herbs like Tulsi, Sunthi, Pippali and Talispatra are effective decongestants and mucolytics and have a long history of use in cough while Kasmard seeds are brewed into a coffee-like beverage for asthma, and an infusion from the flowers and leaves is used for bronchitis.

This product balances Prana Vata & Udana Vata, Pachaka Pitta & Bodhaka Kapha.

Adults: 2 teaspoons (10ml) 3 times a day after meals.
5-12 years:
1 teaspoon (5ml) 3 times a day after meals.

Each 5ml contains: Adhatoda vasica 350mg, Ocimum sanctum 150mg, Glycyrrhiza glabra 175mg, Juniperus communis 75mg, Solanum surattense 75mg, Cordia myxa 75mg, Viola odorata 50mg, Vitis vinifera 50mg, Curcuma longa 60mg, Cassia occidentalis 60mg, Ammonium chloridium 60mg, Zingiber officinale 5mg, Pistacia integerrima 40mg, Piper longum 40mg, Abies webbiana 40mg, Alpinia galanga 40mg, Hedychium spicatum 25mg, Piper nigrum 25mg, Cinnamomum zeylanicum 5mg, Syzygium aromaticum 2.5mg, Mentha piperita 2.5mg.

• Cough

• Congestion

• Sore Throat